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Chanticleer Book Reviews

By Steven Michael Beck
Rating: 5/5; Highly Recommended!

Earth is linked in a symbiotic relationship with its spirit twin, a hidden utopia called EonThera. But as the paradise begins to inherit the harsh realities of Earth's drastic climate change, EonThera urges action – before both realms collapse, in Steven Michael Beck's Soar a Burning Sky.

What if there was an “earthly paradise", a mirror of Earth – a terratopia that is an awe-inspiring existential representation of how amazing planet Earth could be? This fantasy fiction presents a synergic relationship between Earth and this soul, as together they sustain the Ticking – a heartbeat that nurtures both. But as Clayton Cramer puts it, "Abandon all thoughts of Utopia – humans are involved.” 

As a result of the two realms’ mutual existence, one's failing health accounts for the fall of the other. The soul of Earth, EonThera, is collapsing. It is plain that the enemy is ignorance, primarily Earth’s, and with this knowledge comes the recruitment of the four unlikely Earthly warriors to aid the two realms before they fall from a burning sky.

The Emerald Guard of EonThera has long been in charge of preparing their TerraTo’Kai, their guardians of the Ticking based on Earth. But now there remains but a few to safeguard this equilibrium, this balance between the two realms. And that number is dwindling.

Responsibility for stopping the impending collapse of the two parallel realms now rests upon the branches of the Emerald Guard – yes, the Emerald Guard are what the author refers to as the Standing People: our planet’s majestic trees. All save one – T’Aura. A supposed "change master," she is also accused by EonThera’s king, StormWing, of being the originator of both realms' failing. 

Eonthera is aflame to capture the now-aloof T’Aura. Its population of anismin –hybrid beings created from both human and animal spirits, or tokas – share StormWing’s unrest and skepticism while questioning the continuity of the bond between the two realms. But the enigmatic Seneca, the evergreen Master Guardsmin of the Emerald Guard (and T’Aura's adoptive father), knows better. New TerraTo’Kai must be recruited to arm EonThera and aid T’Aura. The Guardian Gate is now closed to prevent crossings between the two worlds, so Seneca has to come up with a plan to choose and admit new champions from Earth.

Beck understands that stories engage the human mind in a way that facts alone cannot. This shows in the flawless juggling of jocular, magical, and informative tones.

The witty characters and their colloquial lingo succeed in adding authenticity and charm to the cast. Before returning to the actual realities of environmental challenge there is a significant detour to a fanciful "earthly twin" that Earth could be. Noteworthy facts about ecosystems take the form of epigraphs at the beginning of each chapter, which associates with that chapter’s theme. Soar a Burning Sky is reminiscent of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings in the mix of high fantasy and observance of environmental issues.

This environmental cautionary fantasy illustrates the human egocentric drive to dominate the natural world. The failure of EonThera’s anismin to appreciate the nature surrounding them – the originator of life – points to the apathetic human. The struggle between establishing power over nature and preserving a healthy balance within it defines this story's message.

Soar a Burning Sky is a call to conscience for all humanity. It blends the awareness of changing environmental conditions with consistent communication about the ecosystem and its natural functioning. There is a sense of anticipation about the sequel as the war to bring balance to Earth and its spirit – to stabilize the body and its soul – that feels like our own war.

The Chanticleer International Book Awards OZMA Fantasy Fiction 2022 Grand Prize award for Soar a Burning Sky by Steven Michael Beck
The Chanticleer International Book Awards Dante Rossetti YA Fiction First Place Best in Category Award for Soar a Burning Sky by Steven Michael Beck
A logo that says "5 Stars! Best Book Chanticleer Book Reviews" for Soar a Burning Sky by Steven Michael Beck
The logo for the 2023 New England Book Festival Award for Soar a Burning Sky by Steven Michael Beck
The logo for the Firebird Book Award Winner logo by Speak Up Talk Radio

Consider a world where our living planet thrives, where even the vast oceans and the smallest streams remain so pristine that they invite both leisurely swims and the purest sips. In this idyllic realm, lush forests and vibrant jungles are teamed with a rich tapestry of plant and animal species, while the air remains as pure as the breath of a newborn, entirely free from the ominous presence of contaminants. Such a paradise is none other than Eonthera, often referred to as Earth’s spiritual counterpart—a realm intricately intertwined with our own. However, a pertinent question arises: What if this utopian sanctuary becomes entangled in the dilemma that currently afflicts our Earth? 

Soar a Burning Sky, by Steven Michael Beck, is a captivating and thought-provoking fantasy novel that takes readers on a journey into the interconnected realms of Earth and its hidden utopia counterpart, Eonthera. The author tells a story about mutual reliance and symbiotic life in the face of the impending peril posed by abrupt climate change on Earth. To save both realms from collapsing, Eonthera urgently demands action in response to this impending threat, which acts as a ticking time bomb. The story moves forward and keeps readers interested because of the tangible tension this sense of impending disaster creates throughout. 

The unlikely Earthly warriors who must save both realms from a fiery end are introduced to readers along with a wide array of characters in this story. Every character is likable and relatable since they each bring their own talents and weaknesses to the table. There is a strong narrative arc as they learn the value of their duty and the repercussions of inaction. The examination of the effects of human stupidity in Soar a Burning Sky is among its most striking features. The main enemy is recognized as Earth’s ignorance and disrespect for the environment. Beck presents a clear picture of how our deeds, or lack thereof, can cause the environment we live in to deteriorate. Because of how pertinent this theme is to the modern world, the book is both a compelling commentary on environmental issues and an enjoyable read. 

Soar a Burning Sky explores the entwined fates of Earth and Eonthera in a beautifully written fantasy book. The narrative conveys significant lessons about the need to protect the environment, the adverse effects of ignorance, and the possibility of repentance. This book serves as a timely reminder of our duty to safeguard the Earth we call home and is a gripping piece of fiction. For those who value complex character development, sophisticated world-building, and stories with a strong environmental message, this is a must-read.

Pages: 481.

About Literary Titan

The Literary Titan is an organization of professional editors, writers, and professors that have a passion for the written word. We review fiction and non-fiction books in many different genres, as well as conduct author interviews, and recognize talented authors with our Literary Book Award. We are privileged to work with so many creative authors around the globe.

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Five gold stars

Embark on an enthralling journey through the pages of Steven Michael Beck's fantasy opus, Soar a Burning Sky. This narrative intricately dives into an ecological crisis that looms large, interlinking disparate realms, namely Earth and the concealed utopia of EonThera, a world where our planet thrives, with clean oceans and streams inviting relaxation, lush forests teeming with diverse life, and pure air free from contaminants. The plot unfolds through the lens of an eclectic ensemble of characters, each possessing distinctive attributes and flaws, enriching the narrative. 

The characters undergo substantive transformations throughout the storyline, exemplifying the significance of ethical conduct and the dire consequences of inaction. Beck ensures readers forge meaningful connections as the protagonists evolve and learn from their experiences. The crux of the tale pivots not merely on external conflicts but also on the environmental apathy prevalent on Earth, serving as an allegorical exposition of the repercussions of human ignorance and environmental negligence. The story operates as a resounding admonition, underscoring the imperative for collective environmental stewardship. 

One notable technical prowess lies in Beck's ability to create a vivid sense of place. Through meticulous descriptions and evocative imagery, he constructs worlds that feel tangible and immersive. Whether depicting the pristine landscapes of EonThera or capturing the ecological crisis on Earth, Beck's attention to detail is a testament to his skill in painting with words. 

Beyond its fantasy veneer, Soar a Burning Sky emerges as a resonant call to safeguard our planet, interweaving entertainment with a palpable environmental ethos. It is a book that transcends genre conventions, offering a nuanced and insightful commentary on the exigency of environmental conservation. 

Earthly heroes must rise in this captivating fantasy that encourages reflection on our collective responsibility to preserve the world we call home.

The book cover for Soar a Burning Sky by Steven Michael Beck